That was a first.......

Hello one and all newbies and oldbies!!! It is the return of my travelling blog typos, spelling and grammatical mistakes are all entirely acceptable (Sara!) You shall have to forgive me if this first one (and maybe others to come) are a little self indulgent but I have set off on bit of a mini tour of the world with a fair amount of trepidation. This will be the longest I have been away and while I am meeting lots of people along the way there is a certain amount of loneliness that comes with it. While I spent the last few days fretting about my current trip I am now in Singapore with 15kg of luggage and an already eventful start to my trip. I feel like I have not travelled in ages and this time I am much more aware of my surroundings. Nearly everyone in the airport lounge sat around looking at some kind of electronic device - very few books and you are still in a significant minority travelling by yourself. It is the first time I have been addressed in pe...