A belated blog

I thought i would have written a lot sooner and more often than I am going to have this time round in Rio. It is amazing how when not travelling and working one is actually busy working and as I spend a lot of my work on the computer - opening it up to fire out a blog doesn't seem as appealing as when travelling! Since I last wrote, I have had a birthday, the laser sailors have gone, the windsurfer ladies (and Dom) have arrived, it has rained at least twice, I have been sick for a day and it is currently cooler here than in the UK. Winter in Rio is quite different to March, when 35-40 Celsius was almost unbearable and thunderstorms were awesome and a welcome relief. I should have packed my thermals especially for the 30 KT of wind we had on the water the day before yesterday. We are based out of the Late Clube do Rio de Janeiro or something like that. Which is more of a social club than sailing club. It use to be a club for planes that land on water (the real ...