what could possibly go wrong........
As any good blogger does....I have taken onboard the recent feedback provided by Sarah 🤠and hvae tkaen etrxa crae on witrnig tihs one. Apaprnelty my slplenig and garmamr are not up to sraccth and if the itnreent is to be bielveed you can raed wrdos as lnog as the rgiht ltertes are tehre and the frsit lteetr and lsat lteetr of ecah wrod are in the crrocet palce. Msot lkiley tihs has been a ture wtsae of mnie and yruos tmie! It was also way harder to do than my usual word vomit, void of spell checks and punctuation! To further meet the needs of my fans I have started taking a more eager interest in the wildlife to share for Tara! This is a cat that likes to frequently play dead outside my room, so much so that I have taken to poking it with my flipflop to check. This is my dinner buddy that has the wrong head for its body and like all the other cats here has an exceptionally fluffy tail like a fox! Pretty sure that's not what you meant.....howev...