
Showing posts from November, 2023

what could possibly go wrong........

As any good blogger does....I have taken onboard  the recent feedback provided by Sarah 🤭 and hvae tkaen etrxa crae on witrnig tihs one. Apaprnelty my slplenig and garmamr are not up to sraccth and if the itnreent is to be bielveed you can raed wrdos as lnog as the rgiht ltertes are tehre and the frsit lteetr and lsat lteetr of ecah wrod are in the crrocet palce. Msot lkiley tihs has been a ture wtsae of mnie and yruos tmie! It was also way harder to do than my usual word vomit, void of spell checks and punctuation! To further meet the needs of my fans  I have started taking a more eager interest in the wildlife to share for Tara! This is a cat that likes to frequently play dead outside my room, so much so that I have taken to poking it with my flipflop to check. This is my dinner buddy that has the wrong head for its body and like all the other cats here has an  exceptionally fluffy tail like a fox! Pretty sure that's not what you meant.....howev...

wing ding dong non

I took a short walk to find an cash point and quite literally the 1M out of my hotel and you  are in what is the reality and I am immediately faced with one how lucky I am but two the uncomfortable-ness of the arguably luxury type tourist/holiday to the stark contrast of making a living here.  While I won't say this will be my last type of holiday like this it is almost certainly my last alone like this as it is for sure better shared and then I can keep my blinkers on firmly focused at the wingfoiling crashing and burning planned  The continued selling of something makes me dubious of anyone now who wishes to speak to me and I am remarkably popular out here no matter how uninterested I look. After profusely sweating my way around the local craft stall and eating at the African grill which was full of Maasai  seemingly on their lunch or break and not bothering with little old me..... That lasted about a nano second. But the food was good so happily chatte...

It's not a holiday until........

I usually say until I have had an ice cream but when properly abroad..... It's not a holiday until I have had a Fanta which must be an absurdly radioactive orange colour and in a glass bottle of course. Boom it's officially a holiday and yes I was at a nice restaurant with table cloths, two sets of cutlery and fabulous food Nom nom....dessert and what looks like egg yolk is mango It's taken me 24hrs to find the switch to turn my overhead fan be fair probably too tired to really look but also my bed is sooooooo to massive the switch was just too far away on the other side 🤣. So a fairly sweaty, crazy dream filled night where I was mainly trying to cycle uphill to a fish chip shop but I couldn't clip into my pedals and then fish chip didn't have chips so I went across the road bought some potatoes and luckily had my crinkle cutter with me so made some chips and then cyxlwd to bristol still not able to clip in. Here I got ...

4years tooooo long

The blog is back.....back again! 4 years since I blogged or really travelled....well by myself I guess which is probably why I haven't blogged that and COVID....which an ancient memory. Won't be long before it will seem like an unbelievable tale. To be fair I have squeezed a few holidays, crazy trips in....mainly Sri Lanka and taking some very young women offshore to Bermuda, I tried to sail around the UK and then I got a proper job 😱 So I have taken myself to Zanzibar.....a bit random in coming about but as I find myself travelling alone again I realise why I blog, I don't have anyone to constantly annoy! Not going to lie this blog will be some half truths or maybe lacking the aspect of my enjoyment but it's always more about the pictures and appalling grammar and spelling than anything else 😜 I wibblied and wobbled my way through the first flight and as I looked out the window I remembered why I travel.....even alone The world i...