what could possibly go wrong........
As any good blogger does....I have taken onboard the recent feedback provided by Sarah 🤭 and hvae tkaen etrxa crae on witrnig tihs one. Apaprnelty my slplenig and garmamr are not up to sraccth and if the itnreent is to be bielveed you can raed wrdos as lnog as the rgiht ltertes are tehre and the frsit lteetr and lsat lteetr of ecah wrod are in the crrocet palce. Msot lkiley tihs has been a ture wtsae of mnie and yruos tmie!
It was also way harder to do than my usual word vomit, void of spell checks and punctuation!
To further meet the needs of my fans I have started taking a more eager interest in the wildlife to share for Tara!
This is a cat that likes to frequently play dead outside my room, so much so that I have taken to poking it with my flipflop to check.
This is my dinner buddy that has the wrong head for its body and like all the other cats here has an exceptionally fluffy tail like a fox!
Pretty sure that's not what you meant.....however I have managed to branch further afield today
Beep beep.......I figured having ridden a moped in Thailand with LBell on the back when I am not sure I had ever ridden a moped ( I might have been foolish but Lindsey you must have been mad. I think there was only one corner we went round on the wrong side of the road and the questionable fuel buying was interesting there). I figured playing some chicken here in Zanzibar could almost be sporting fun, especially without the risk of killing your friend as well 😜
First off.....about 200M of off-road pot hole speed bump action with a novel game of chicken by a reversing vehicle that had a really good punt at winning, some death wish chickens and tired cows.... Didn't see any goats though, then on to the safer tarmac'd roads....well faster and more straight forward games of chicken.....with just some random side swyping action to deal with.
Getting stopped by the police 3.5 times also added to the days adventure..... One I just couldn't be bothered and thought I would see if they would chase 🤭 on their seemingly absent vehicles. So, the first time they stopped me the language barrier meant I just kept saying yes and off they let me go.....simples. The next time they had lots of questions and then proceeded to ask me if I wanted to invest in property 🤯.....the third was such a half wave I kept gong and the final dude was quite firm wanted all my documents and then let me go.
Anyway given the only signposts I have seen are for monkeys and now the elephant shrew, directions were sketchy and I hooned past my first destination to my final one....ooopsy!
Mntembe beach is on the far SE of the island and a combination of fast smooth roads with sudden violent small vertical cliffs of speed bumps just to surprise you and then as with every destination as you get nearer the roads exist less to completely unbuilt roads where everyone is fighting to ride the flattest least bumpy bit and not bottom out including me on my bike.
But the destination was worth it. While I am
.....fairly sure you can't take a bad picture here even if you tried, it's still insanely beautiful. Quieter and different to the beach I stay on with the staggering undercut rocks providing a natural cool shade.
I went for lunch and had a paddle in the much cooler water, worried I was walking on the teeny tiny crabs but they were fairly quick to disappear back into the sand. Also intrigued by the wierd clear balloon like creatures
The beach was super clean though I am not convinced it is due to the beach cleans they need encouragement to do
Back on the bike, well initially tried to steal someone elses very similar looking moped, and back to successfully negotiating the traffic. That is until the One and only roundabout where seemingly being on it, indicating and already half way round is actually an invitation for a bus to take the approach of rubbing is racing after giving the front quarter of the bus a clean with the left hand side of myself I rolled round and back to my hotel just in time to wingfoil.
This was one of the main reasons I am here, ha ha, so far wind gods have been poor, I didn't have enough time to put my request in through the proper channels, that and I am a bit early in the NWly monsoon season/not actually in it 🤣 However today they threw a few stronger zephyrs and and full of energy...... Not. I managed 90mins of my 2hours and down the pub back home there will be some strong arm actions and chat of fooling oooops foiling. In reality I am now knackered sunburnt in super odd teeny tiny places and realise quite how unbelievably unfit. While falling in the water can be refreshing here it's like jumping in a warm bath and seemed to zap my energy even more. As my instructor chirped away through the radio cable tied to my head I finally caved and drifted in.
Showered, tide in and now dark the one mile streak cracked as I am sure it will again......a bit like my Wordle and instead I turned my focus on dinner. While the sensible option would be to either stay put or get a cab to a restaurant.....why I hear you cry with me . Why when you have can have even more death defying a mopedl fun. It's dark , I don't really know where I am going and I might run out of fuel....what fun let's go!
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