Bay of second home

I am not sure I could ever live outside of the least I have always said that...... but then there are many places I have yet to go, of which, until this week, the Bay of Islands was one

Firstly thank you Sandy for looking after me despite pointing out my beautiful muffin top you didn't hold back on keeping me well fed and watered particularly in the ice cream department and thank you family Kiff for my day on the water in the Bay of Islands amazing.

Having got to Auckland jumped off the Tower I headed to the Bay of Islands and have been hanging catching some surf, going to ninety mile beach (which is actually only 64 miles long) watching someone break their collar bone sand boarding shortly before I threw my self down the dune and I am now in Rotorua having been to a Maori Hangi......

Tomorrow I off to whiteraft a grade 5 - the highlight being a 7m waterfall and then to discover the sweet smell of Rotorua bubbling muds- fear not Mum I won't come back with hours of video footage!!!


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