Welcome to the Race Village

Training time is nearly over and the race is upon us.
For me the last couple weeks have been pretty big and feel more like 2 months. It was weird sailing away from the UK (I am back for one more break) but there was a little part of me that realised how fast this has all happened.
In January this year I was out in Rio supporting the British Sailing Team on the road to Rio and the Olympic Games . My third trip to the venue and starting to get comfortable there. By May I had increased my offshore miles by a bizillion times and had crossed the Atlantic twice trialling out as the navigator onboard Team SCA.
On the 5th of September shortly before 1800 we were greeted in Alicante Race Village ready for the final preparations before the race begins.
It is true what they say a lot can happen in a year!

We have had a couple of days off and in true Libby style I fully pressed the button when we arrived here but was pleased to say I was not the worst affected!
So far I have gone round the Volvo Ocean Race Museum saying I didn't know anything about the race. It is pretty cool. They have good videos showing you around the old VO70s and they have a fairly amusing simulator and then there is this massive globe explaining the weather along with some pretty good footage from all the old races. I also got a free Team Campos postcard...who shall I send that to!

Today a few of us climbed up the castle here called Santa Barbara (I have to say I am very poorly informed on the history...maybe I will google it now!) - we then did some circuit training on the way down and then lay on the rocks and successfully went Libby lobster - some things will never change!!!
Me for being first to post!! Good to hear your news and impressed with the launching skills! Sacha x