Leg One done and I am off again
I have hardly had time to say hi to the family and friends who have been amazing and popped out to Cape Town to see me. Fairly sure there was an ulterior motive judging by the whale watching, table mountain climbing and vineyards visited! Let alone to touch base with those at home a far flung parts of the world even with the power of technology. So while not personal I hope this will go someway to saying, yes I have read and loved getting your messages and cards of support, good luck and what has been going on, please keep them coming and I am sorry I haven't done better at talking to you all. I miss you all so dearly and I am so touched to receive your messages it fully keeps me going.
But as I sit here in my appartment in the last panicked stages of packing leaving two bags for my family and friends to sort out getting home(not sure they have fully grasped that yet- could be an expensive airport moment!) and most likely just bits and bobs around the place that I am hoping they will hoover up, I find myself turning not pen to paper but fingers to keys to write a little something before I go though I am sure as an effective use of my time it is probably not right up there right now
But one of the big discoveries I made on the first leg of the race is that while many read books listen to music, look at pictures (I do have some classic polaroids with me including you Debbie happy to be going to the party) I found that in order to take time out I wrote. Therefore, you will have the pleasure of reading my onboard view of Leg 1 if a little delayed!
However, Cape Town has been great 3rd time here and still discovering more more more things. Top random mention should go to our waiter one evening called Felix- whose story is incredible and one day I may pass it on.
Arriving into Cape Town was stunning Table Mountain is truly a fantastic site adn obvious snatching a place at the end made the bitterness of earlier in the Leg decrease a little bit. It has since been a whirlwind of champagne popping....my onshore role within the team....media....and some serious research for this next leg
I was fortunate enough that my Parents and WAGs sorted out a SPA day and a safari trip for me on the few days I had off and I didn't have to think about anything. The stops are short and trying to get back in shape is pretty hard when you take a 4 kg loss......though having two dinners is definitely helping that campaign.
While my safari arguably was not the real thing it was 100% good enough for me and some of the animals were amazing - obviously Mufasa and his look-a-likes were favourites. We also had some of the best towel origami ever!!!
I will try to make more time to write not just because I know it will be great reminder when I am older but becasue genuinely enjoy it.
But for now I must go and get ready to hammer upwind into the dark and then hang a few lefts, avoid some pirates and cyclones, pick our way around the clouds in the doldrums and drift on the sea breezes to Abu Dhabi
Stay safe everyone xxx
But as I sit here in my appartment in the last panicked stages of packing leaving two bags for my family and friends to sort out getting home(not sure they have fully grasped that yet- could be an expensive airport moment!) and most likely just bits and bobs around the place that I am hoping they will hoover up, I find myself turning not pen to paper but fingers to keys to write a little something before I go though I am sure as an effective use of my time it is probably not right up there right now

However, Cape Town has been great 3rd time here and still discovering more more more things. Top random mention should go to our waiter one evening called Felix- whose story is incredible and one day I may pass it on.
Arriving into Cape Town was stunning Table Mountain is truly a fantastic site adn obvious snatching a place at the end made the bitterness of earlier in the Leg decrease a little bit. It has since been a whirlwind of champagne popping....my onshore role within the team....media....and some serious research for this next leg

But for now I must go and get ready to hammer upwind into the dark and then hang a few lefts, avoid some pirates and cyclones, pick our way around the clouds in the doldrums and drift on the sea breezes to Abu Dhabi
Stay safe everyone xxx
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