It rains down under!

While I am well aware that everyone is getting well and truly washed and blown away back home in the UK. The weather is having a pretty good go here in the Fremantle at washing and blowing us away tooooooooooo!

Most of the comments to me today have been as follows
'this wasn't in the brochure'
'What are you doing bring the rain here Libby' (though I am blaming it on Ben as he has only just arrived and therefore responsible for bringing it from home!!!)
'When is the rain going to stop we have got a golf tee booked!'

Wendy came out on the water with me today- unfortunately usually land bound and office based I can safely say to those back home that it isn't always glamour!! And speedboating around - or not as is the case with my driving- in a lot of rain and reasonable wind isn't too pleasant. But we braved it in a bid to increase our weather knowledge of the area and try and identify some local weather stations! However it is a washout for any tennis action later today!


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