The Sacred Valley breathtaking

There haven't been many things that have really stopped me in my tracks but today we went to the Sacred Valley ahead of our Lares Trek, which starts tomorrow, and it did.
The Andes are incredible huge amazing and incredibly lush. E'er may be here in the rainy season but so far we have only had a few spots and hoping it stays that way!
The Sacred Valley is where the Inca people first really settled how they got there and where from remains a bit of a mystery as there are no historical records. Just what the Spanish happened to ask them when they invaded.around 28th July 1528 or was it 9 or is that wrong.
Sadly they destroyed a lot of the INCA settlements but the Inca people were smart enough to block the way to Machu Picchu which is why it is so popular add it remains intact.
Today we visit some other inca ruins that are really write incredible and who knows how they managed to build them.
We have a lovely group of people though I am sure I will be slowing them down with my gammy knee and broken wing ) which truth be known is getting me down despite the incredible surroundings.
I have attached a fee pictures but when I get to more significant civilisation there will be a full blow by blow account.
I am also pleased to say that even at 2700M a managed too get a cup of Earl Grey.
We have generally adjusted to the altitude having got some drugs to help- though Lindsey has tingly fingers and Sarah a sore tummy (but luckily brown trousers!) all known side effects.


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