Bunk rooms...

I am not sure if there is or should be a maximum age that you stop being able to bunk in a mixed dorm. I mean that would be ageist and seeing as in my head I never really grew up past I would say 22-23yrs old or that's what I like to believe,  except I now knit, make pom pom rugs, garden, have partially abandoned cats and can't drink more than 3 drinks or stay out past midnight (oh wait the last one had always been the case and I probably always thought I could drink more than 3 the difference is now I know I can't!)
Anyway I digress torn between where to stay a hostel bunk room or my own space. Potentially ensure some interaction using my Spanglish or almost none.  I am actually not sure I have had a conversation with anyone since H and Katie left that isn't more than 3 sentences and involving some kind of a miming!
So I thought a hostel would be goooood!
I dutifully entered my 6 bedroom dorm and carefully laid out my stuff in my locker and at one end of the bunk bed to allow equal towel hanging space and hope others obviously follow suit! Wow I who knew I was so particular!
Anyway time will tell,  you'll have to come back for hostel bunk room update.

I eventually leveraged myself out if bed for breakfast trying to motivate myself to walk to the Martial Glacier 7km not really far apparently a 3 hour round trip, perfect I can do that.  Or you can catch a taxi to an even closer part of the trail and walk only 30 mins again apparently its super easy. Well I am not convinced and with only one pole, as the bottom half of the other one appears to have disappeared, I weave my way through the trees after getting marginally lost in a dubious part of town.
How hard can it be......

Cue memories of the Torres hike and the ice and still no crampons!
1hr 45 mins following a man and his dog.....well their footprints in the snow  didnt actually see them until the top.... through some ups and downs and some fairly random yellow marks on trees that I think  were there to throw you off course and I reached the places where it is then only 30 mins.....what the.....I think all this marathon stuff has actually made me less fit!

The views of the end of the world are stunning and despite almost deciding not to keep going I got to the glacier and found the one man and his dog whose little footprints had convinced me to carry on. While its not so much to look at the glacier it to truly see well almost see the end of the world!  Peaceful

Then a much quicker toddle down, no option about it and to the strangest of things a tea room, a proper one to boot!

I cheated caught a taxi down and went to for obligatory honestly I was here photo, look here is the sign. I can safely say its a place where you just don't tire of looking. Including all the tat shops H there are milliiiiiiiiiiioooons!

Home for an afternoon nap.  I am back to being sooooo tired all the time and due to have a late one tonight as off to play with the Huskies and snow shoe to dinner.

While I now can't feel my feet and yes could have put more clothes on I am sure I will defrost after snow shoeing to a tipee  singing round a camp fire with Brazilians, Argentinans and Maltese people and then dog sledding home with some seriously small Wolfie look alikes that smelt like him on a baaaaad day. But pretty cool with a lot of sideways action. Wolfie you're still my favorite.
I feel overall worn out.

Turns out this dof wasn't loving looki g at me for fuss or just because dogs do, he was shortly after this photo eating, hanging, biting all combinations of the above my hair, good job I have lots.
Definitely most likely injury while travelling stray dog attack (or now keen husky) slowly getting put off dogs.


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