The Last one for now.......
Welcome to my cocoon, a bunk bed with black out curtains in a room with black out curtains for a person who thrives on daylight, in particular waking her up.......
Cue 1200 start again doh....... the damn breakfast rush!
From what I can see here things happen in the afternoon or evenings and it would appear I am fairly quickly slipping into the new timing....... in fact I am probably still ahead of the curve in comparison to most. Anyway having had breakfast and ummmed and ahhhed about my options for the day with tomorrow being my last day with a flight in the evening.
I fortunately thought it would be good to book a taxi to the airport and then discovered that my flight was middle of the day Doh! So not much to be done tomorrow except getting to the airport and now the afternoon is halfway through.
Best get my walking shoes and go check some things out. Only its Monday and most museums are closed......
Oh well, a little wander around Palmero soho which is where I am staying still have to do. I guess after nearly 3 weeks traveling and the prospect of going home you do start to want to slow down and miss home and it's amazing how tired I actually am.
Maybe the 30000 was further than I thought yesterday.
Anyway Palmero Soho is basically a trendy part of town and as I begin to stroll round the area and things are actually open it seems every which way you go is another cool cafe or bar I am off to do a walk to look at some street art which will help me wander around
I also discovered another amazing idea that I swear would work well with my ever growing shared workspace cafe that I have mulling over in my head that would also have a plastice free shop and now........
Can you tell what they are?
Yes potters cool woud that make and or paint your pottery. I am innnnnnnn! Anyone else?
So a short amble some not so local sushi food and I return to my hostel and bump into a couple of my room mates. they must be in their 20s, from Brazil and this is their first holiday outside of the UK, they are off to a casino and wondered if Iwanted to join them its 2300 and this where I definitely differ to possibly the younger generation of traveller
Chatting them you realise how different but the same age groups are and very quickly they are talking about their relationship. All people seem to aspire and search for love. Their conversation is completely open the guy is gay and the girl is trying to work out if she or she thinks she bi-sexual, wow I mean it is hard enough anyway but it does seem that things are a lot more angsty these days.
Aside from that as seems to be a running theme they too were super surprised that I was travelling alone and even more so when I told them how old I was, I believe the quote unquote
"It so good that you travel at your age"
Hmmm and just like take my cue to return to my cocoon one last time before I head the gym in the morning ready to go home....
Obviously to arrive home to pom poms, tomatoes and my cats! The rug is nearly complete but there is still time contribute.
Afraid you will have to suvive without me from now on!!!
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