Bye Bye bottom of the world.......

As I almost don't leave the Uttermost part of the earth due to the loads of snow, 3 inches deep when I walked to the cash point to get my taxi fare, I wouldn't have even bothered going to the airport in the UK.
As I sat there wondering if my plane would land in the white out nevermind take off I did start to think maybe that summer job offer JJ suggested is an option!

But it also gave me time to leave you with with a few facts before I can hopefully dry my feet in Buenos Aires and impersonate Madonna impersonating Eva Peron
Come on the next pub quiz on Ushuaia and Random Stuff Libby has learnt while travelling!

1. Why is it called the Uttermost part of The Earth: Lucas Bridges the son of Thomas Bridges documented his time growing up there. They came to save the indigenous people the Yamana tribe who were probably quite happy in their canoes. Created a dictionary of the their languages and established the Haberton estancion (ranch) which is closed in the winter!!! So no visit for me, that's a pretty poor descripstion but none the less.

2. ‎Ushuaia sits at the same Latitude as Edinburgh (thank you english speaking dinner table next to me for your engaging and amusing conversation about climate location and we can still drive to Cape Horn. They looked all the above up in the end and surprised them several times. Particularly the fact that we were on on island,  apologies for listening in)

3. Most people seem to come for the winter sports here, apparently the snow is amazing. Well the bits that fell out the sky where always massive, the stuff I rolled down the slopes on was soft and generally there was just me on the slope and arguably its cheap, one you are here.

4. ‎Beavers are a problem did I mention them? Dam beavers!

5. ‎Watch out for Zorro! (The other spanish word I learnt meaning fox)

6. ‎Also parking wardens they are everywhere and on Sundays

7. ‎Beagle channel was so called becauuse of the boat that first surveyed it the HMS Beagle in 1826-1830 ..... and this was it in mini version.

8. ‎the first tourist trip to Antarctica was 1956 that's only 20 year after the first car drove the Garibaldi pass from Ushuaia to Rio Grande and roughly 44yrs after Scotts ill fated attempt at the south pole, well he did make it.

9. ‎cape horn is chile. How they ever decided any of this stuff amazes me. But one side of the beagle channel is Argentina the other Chile.
I did ask our boat dude if we can just cruise around or is there an imaginary line we can't cross..

10. Food portions are massive, wine is good.....

11. ‎I will return to
Go to Antartica
To get to Cape Horn by land
But hopefully in the not too distant future fly by by boat in a race about technology human resilience and possible madness

We have gone so quickly from voyages of discovery to voyages of speed, how quick can you get there get round get the picture. Where the voyage now is of technology. Of which I wonder the written, or badly worded blogs like this are outdated.......maybe I should be vlogging???

Bang just like that fast asleep I wake up in  Buenos Aires completely overdressed for the 22deg versus 0deg. Hostel again 6 bed dorm but pretty nice apart from the minimal bedding. Colder here than Ushuaia  in my room
Slightly different vibe here too as I check in and they tell me about the 2 bars in the hostel and their closing times! When I wander into my dorm room i greeted by empty bottles of wine and beer and some very hungover people at 1600!

A short wander outside to see some local sites and a stop off at some not so local sushi cuisine and I return to my hostel and find a Spanglish evening going jokes that's what it was called..... though not as I imagined one would be.


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