The Midnight Sun shows us what it's all about....
Not known for my early rising unless planned, honest......the power of three is definitely working well for one in the morning. I am usually greeted with a gentle call of 'Libby.....its 1030 or breakfast is ready'. I might not be an early rise but I did fix the internet and the dishwasher!
From the onset of today there was going to be a certain amount of denial, of pretence and 💩💩💩💩 about the inevtiable end the day fun run 🏃♀️ 😀
In order to hiide as much as possible from the fast approaching 13.1 miles of fun we headed to the Polar exhibition museum.
Not only does Tromso have a Cathedral that seems to every which way you look it is a gateway for polar expeditions to the North Polar and its early trade was built on sealing, whaling and trapping
They would overwinter on Svalbard an island some 10deg odd latitude further north. Basically live in the dark often developing scurvy as they only lived off polar meat often!!!
There is not enough space, you probably don't have enough interest....though we all know my version of the facts will no doubt be amusing enough!
So first and foremost they were all a bit bonkers, happy to live in the dark and solitude all in aid of some higher fashionable scarves....
It was a brutal way to live and i dont think they ever really made.any money from they just quite liked it
There was Henry the great bear who killed over 700 polar bears and coild be seen in the Olehallen telling his stories of over wintering....might even have been one of his bears in the pub. He even raised a couple orphaned (....maybe be himself as lindsey pointed out) polar bears with his dogs before selling them to zoos.
A dogs life really was a dog life in the original sense not like today. The huskys lived outside and were first alarm for any approaching bears and had to haul the bears back to cabin once they were too old or injured they were shot and fed to their dog friends.....i wonder if they knew?! You don't know how lucky you have it Wolfy!
It wasnt a much better life as part of the crew thay did the expeditions to the North/South Pole but Amundsen and Janssen did at least shoot the other persons dog at the end.
The history of trying to get to the North pole by airships and planes and the south pole with dogs having to overwinter with no food while the boat you left the Fram is stuck drifting in the ice for 3 years......its just unbelievable the stuff they must have been made of!
With brains blown we power napped ahead of our late evening jaunt and the sun drew back its blanket to show what the midnight sun really meant.
When you are putting suncream on at 2000 at night to head out for a run you realise something is t quite right
All smiles at the start and to be fair no lost their proverbial or their sense of humour.Fairly hard to lose anything when at midnight the world looks like this and the Norwegians are great supporters sitting with fit pits and BBQs and the finish line and centre was rammed at the end.
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