Bye bye Bali hello Brisbane
So, stage one of my whirlwind tour I wish I could stay longer.....if it stopped raining I probably would. But nothing is drying and I now have the fear surfing after cutting my lip- hey ho.
Bali is as chilled as ever and many of the people here that I have met long to find a reason to stay. Personally I don't see it- I still love my creature comforts and home and the people here all seem so transient. Like they are lost, desperately hoping to find themselves here. Maybe I am just cynical.
Had yet another awesome thunderstorm and torrential rain and heaven forbid I even got slightly cold! As you can see the drainage here is wonderful. To be fair in the space of half an hour the rain filled up a half pint glass!
I thought I would end with this lovely photo of me bored with my underwater camera, just in case you are forgetting what I look like !!!! (this was photo number 12!!)
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