Had a lovely evening last night where we watched a movie outdoors (albeit a kids film) something I have always wanted to do. We met up with Jo and Dale's friends, Matt and Tracie and the little one Bella and with picnic and some bubbles settled in to sitting outside in shorts and t-shirt and watching a movie. Brilliant..
Noosa Bay today and I think the picture says it all. We awoke to some showery conditions and concerns that our beach day may be ruined- however a quick glance at the RADAR and off we went to as Dale puts it 'the dream' for where they would like to live
Beautiful sunshine greeted us and we smashed the morning around in the sea Dale doing his best body surfing and Jo and I edging between staying waist deep and crashing under the waves. There was an incredibly strong rip and one point I was swimming away only to realise that when I looked at the beach I wasn't even moving.
After a little rest we moved fractionally inland and turned our hand to SUPing (that is stand up paddle boarding for those not in the know). We were ripping and paddle round the most expensive piece of real estate in Queensland!
It is back hoe now for beers, dinner and bed- my last night with Jo and Dale and I am already planning my return. Next stop Sydney and see Ali Sutherland- watch out here I come
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