This one is a two day essay….sorry!

I am not sure I blogged yesterday mainly because I was
feeling sorry for myself because it is not as though I didn’t do anything –
just means you get double the value in one you lucky people.
I travelled many
hundreds (maybe only 2) of kilometres to Te Anau (flowing waters ). The largest
lake in the south island, the largest glacial lake in New Zealand and it has
the greatest surface area- but Lake Taupo is the largest (calculate that one! I
am thinking it must be volume related)
Having arrived at 0930 I checked into my Youth Hostel. With
every hostel I go to there is always something a little different. I thought I
would share with you some of the joys of living in a shared dorm, I have been
in both single sex and mixed dorms.
Generally as soon as you get over 4 people the
room takes on a special aroma
Girls are messy- one dorm I stayed in on a
bottom bunk and the girl above was already staying there and had the entire
contents of her bag on the floor in front of my bed- did she attempt to tidy it
– no- I was expected to step over it to reach my bed
In one dorm room- despite everyone else being in
bed asleep (well trying to sleep) and it being gone midnight, one guy insisted on staying up watching a
movie on his laptop – while he was using headphones it amazing how loud a
laptop can be and how bright the screen is!
It is amazing how unaware people are of their space and
everyone elses.
Obviously you get the snorers ( I am probably a culprit) the
late comers and the tossing and turners – thank you Sharon for the travel
washbag- ear plugs have been great!
Anyway that is all by the by . Yesterday I went to the Glow
Worm caves which I never managed to do on the north island last time I was
here. While I can not show you pictures of the glowworms because cameras
weren’t allowed and not sure mine would have captured anything, it was well
worth it. Not only did we walk along a very small section of the extremely
large caves that have been carved out by flowing water, we then floated
silently on a boat with the glorm worms as our stars, along with a trip around
a bit of Te Anau. I loved it.
glad to have been of service :) xx