Not the souvenir I hoped for..........

Rangitoto on the way there
What an eventful 24 hours in my life let alone travelling!
So yesterday I set off  early - much to H's surprise who is generally itching to do something by the time I get up, despite being heavily pregnant! Off to Waiheke I went the island of vineyards and some pretty amazing scenery.

So my plan was to catch a ferry, hire a bike (which I had supposedly booked), put the bike on the bus, cycle the western half of the island (the leaflet told me 3-4 hours offroad cycling- no worries), have lunch at a vineyard and maybe even go to the beach.

However, the story goes.......
Got off the ferry, no bike hire man in sight after a bit of to'ing and fro'ing it became apparent I had missed the bus and was unable to hire a bike- which in someways is fortunate. Turns out the route I planned to take is 70KM and would be more hilly than the eastern part if the Isle of Wight!!!
my not so trusty stead

So instead I hired a not so trusty yellow stead as the buses only went every hour.
Off I went up the hills and down the hills, round the corners....beautiful.
Then elevenses was calling time to get to a cafe overlooking the beach or to randomly fly off my scooter and require two ambulances, several x-rays a 4 hour stay in A&E and a broken collar bone! Followed by the worst taxi drive  I have experienced- the guy insisted on using his new samsung (but a pants one) to do his navigation with it propped in his coffee cup holder while ignoring it and telling almost point for point about tennis training and forthcoming national championships and some previous stinky wheelchair man.
the unwanted souvenir

I returned to a still pregnant H and some suitable sad faces for me! Despite the injury I decided to crack on with journey and arose at 4am to catch a plane. But not before H had popped her head in as she was off to hospital to have baby Lily Belle.

I am now in Lake Tekapo, it is 9Celsius and raining so I shall save the real stunning photos for tomorrow when the weather clears up. I am currently making sure I take  all th suitable medication (see above) for a situation like this


  1. Oh no Libby! Hope you get on the mend soon - looking forward to some pics of the injury.... And well done on the self medication :-)


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