The Old Man is Snoring..........

It would appear that I have brought the torrential rain from back home with me to Bali! Relish the sunshine UK dwellers I haven’t seen it for 2 days now! Though I got so Libby lobstered on day one it is probably a good thing.

Bali has had quite the change in a year and it is pretty apparent from the moment you land. The airport has doubled in size and another terminal is being built. This place is exploding within the tourist industry. Buildings are going up everywhere there seems to be twice as much traffic and sadly twice as much rubbish in the sea.

The Padang Padang surf camp is as gorgeous as ever and a beautiful location and so far this time I have not had to get up at 0500 for a surf.  We surfed Pandang beach (made famous by The Eat, Pray, Love movie) and the current was ripping which made for some very tired arms, however I did catch some good waves  and  it seems to have come back to me fairly easily.  With all the rain though the water is very brown and while there are no  dead cows this year there is a lot of rubbish.

There are a lovely bunch of people at the camp and we all set off to Ullwatu for New Year. Perched on the cliff top overlooking the sea is a bar called Single Fin and a hotel called Blue Point. With a classic horizon pool and band playing over it, on the stroke of midnight everyone launched themselves into the pool and there were fireworks a plenty.  All in all a pretty interesting New Year

Today I surfed a reef break that really was pretty shallow when you fell off and I got my first surfing war wound! sadly no matter how many attempts I took to take a photo of my split lip they all looked pathetic!

I have one more day surfing here in Bali and then tomorrow I am on a plane to see Jo ad Dale in Brisbane…..G’day folks.


  1. Hmm- lots of surfing and drinking. And all posts made at about 2 or 3am....

  2. yes 2 or 3am because of the time difference!


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